Mothers Union
At Pudsey Parish Church we have a very active group of over 45 members. The branch was founded in 1903.
We are a friendly group who used to meet once a month on Tuesday at 1.30 p.m. and on the third Thursday in the month at 7.30 p.m. Our meetings have had various speakers and a variety of activities and try to show God’s love in practical and prayerful ways by enjoying worship and fellowship with one another. These meetings are suspended until further notice because of coronavirus.
We are always looking for, and would welcome, more members.
If you are interested and want more information, you can contact us using the form at the bottom of this page.
As a group, we reach out into our community which can help us try to change lives and bring hope as we support marriage and family life. We are involved in 26 different aspects in our own church.
Some of these involvements are :-
- Supporting our young families groups by helping with refreshments after their end of term Pram Services.
- Making craft with the children in the ABC meetings, usually once a month.
- Being part of the Schools visits team and after School club.
- Helping with a local School and Baptism visitors.
- Giving out our handmade knitted teddies to each baptism child and their sibling or siblings.
- Being leaders at holiday clubs.
- Being pastoral team members, sacristans and vergers.
- We are also involved in providing knitted premature baby clothes for the Bradford Hospitals and toiletries for the woman’s refuge in Bradford, as women who leave their homes may leave without anything.
- We also support financially the holiday caravan that the Diocese has at Primrose Valley which is used for families who are unable to afford a holiday. This is not only for Church families, people are often referred by Health Visitors.
We are here to help families in need.